Birdhunting 2004 i Ammarnäs med Steve Chant, Kennel Cadette, England
It is difficult to put the feeling for the breeding down in writing, but this is an attempt to share some of our thoughts about Weimaraners and breeding.
Health: We only breed from healthy individuals, this is unconditional. Our bitches are X-rayed for hips, elbows and shoulders.
Temperament: We try to have all dogs we breed from tested in a temperament test, there are a few different tests available in Sweden. The aim of these tests is to describe the dogs’ inborn temperament, which is described in terms like hunting drive, nerve consitution and sharpness. We look for dogs that are open to people and that have a strong social drive as well as a strong hunting drive. The nerve constitution of the dogs should be described as ‘moderate to low’ (i. e. not nervous). We further want the dogs to show some, but only moderate, sharpness and will to defend themselves and the handler. We prefer a lively temperament and avoid dogs that are too hard, since we want them to be easy to train and work with. The dogs must absolutely not show any shyness to gunshots.
Hunting: All our bitches have field trial awards but they are also used on roe deer and sea bird retrieving. The Weimaraner is also very useful for blood tracking and this is also something we want to maintain in our breeding. Our intention is to use stud dogs that have field trial awards, and a minimum demand is that they fulfil the criteria for breeding set by the Swedish Weimaraner Club. These criteria include novice land and water retrieve and novice blood tracking. If we use a dog that does not have a field trial award we always ask to see the dog hunting.
Show quality: We only breed from dogs that fulfil the requirements set by the Swedish Weimaraner Club, which is being awarded a 1st compared to the breed standard at a Swedish Kennel Club Show. Several of our bitches also have CC’s. Show quality is not our first priority, but a good hunting dog is often beautiful!
Breeding principles: We have chosen to avoid line breeding. The gene pool of the Swedish Weimaraner is limited and we have tried to increase the variation by making combinations with non related dogs.
Field Trialing: Why enter a field trial? Well in our opinion it is the only way to prove that the dog is hunting well, and in a way that is typical for the Weimaraner. It is easy to say that your dog is the best hunting dog in the world but that is not worth much for the breeding, unless it is officially documented with a field trial award!
Working/Obedience/Agility: The Weimaraner is a very versatile breed and is suitable for a range of activities. Training different things is a good way to activate the dog out of the shooting season and Woksebs Laurens och Woksebs Lion are two dogs that proove the versatility of the Weimaraner, being awarded in obedience and tracking as well as on field trials. However, this versatility is a result of breeding the Weimaraner for its hunting ability and the best way to preserve the Weimaraner a many-sided breed is therefore to continue to breed for hunting ability. Therefore we do not believe that awards in obedience, search and rescue, tracking or agility can replace field trial awards.
Puppy buyers: If you buy a puppy from our kennel we will help you with the basic training of your gundog, including introducing your dog to birds. We pay back parts of the purchase sum if your dog aquires a championchip so…it may pay off for you to work hard with your dog!
Catchwords: We run a small scale breeding program with healthy sound dogs, aiming to produce puppies that are better than their parents!

Birdhunting 2004 i Ammarnäs med Steve Chant, Kennel Cadette, England
It is difficult to put the feeling for the breeding down in writing, but this is an attempt to share some of our thoughts about Weimaraners and breeding.
Health: We only breed from healthy individuals, this is unconditional. Our bitches are X-rayed for hips, elbows and shoulders.
Temperament: We try to have all dogs we breed from tested in a temperament test, there are a few different tests available in Sweden. The aim of these tests is to describe the dogs’ inborn temperament, which is described in terms like hunting drive, nerve consitution and sharpness. We look for dogs that are open to people and that have a strong social drive as well as a strong hunting drive. The nerve constitution of the dogs should be described as ‘moderate to low’ (i. e. not nervous). We further want the dogs to show some, but only moderate, sharpness and will to defend themselves and the handler. We prefer a lively temperament and avoid dogs that are too hard, since we want them to be easy to train and work with. The dogs must absolutely not show any shyness to gunshots.
Hunting: All our bitches have field trial awards but they are also used on roe deer and sea bird retrieving. The Weimaraner is also very useful for blood tracking and this is also something we want to maintain in our breeding. Our intention is to use stud dogs that have field trial awards, and a minimum demand is that they fulfil the criteria for breeding set by the Swedish Weimaraner Club. These criteria include novice land and water retrieve and novice blood tracking. If we use a dog that does not have a field trial award we always ask to see the dog hunting.
Show quality: We only breed from dogs that fulfil the requirements set by the Swedish Weimaraner Club, which is being awarded a 1st compared to the breed standard at a Swedish Kennel Club Show. Several of our bitches also have CC’s. Show quality is not our first priority, but a good hunting dog is often beautiful!
Breeding principles: We have chosen to avoid line breeding. The gene pool of the Swedish Weimaraner is limited and we have tried to increase the variation by making combinations with non related dogs.
Field Trialing: Why enter a field trial? Well in our opinion it is the only way to prove that the dog is hunting well, and in a way that is typical for the Weimaraner. It is easy to say that your dog is the best hunting dog in the world but that is not worth much for the breeding, unless it is officially documented with a field trial award!
Working/Obedience/Agility: The Weimaraner is a very versatile breed and is suitable for a range of activities. Training different things is a good way to activate the dog out of the shooting season and Woksebs Laurens och Woksebs Lion are two dogs that proove the versatility of the Weimaraner, being awarded in obedience and tracking as well as on field trials. However, this versatility is a result of breeding the Weimaraner for its hunting ability and the best way to preserve the Weimaraner a many-sided breed is therefore to continue to breed for hunting ability. Therefore we do not believe that awards in obedience, search and rescue, tracking or agility can replace field trial awards.
Puppy buyers: If you buy a puppy from our kennel we will help you with the basic training of your gundog, including introducing your dog to birds. We pay back parts of the purchase sum if your dog aquires a championchip so…it may pay off for you to work hard with your dog!
Catchwords: We run a small scale breeding program with healthy sound dogs, aiming to produce puppies that are better than their parents!